
​Weight Loss and Muscle Tone Template- The lose fat and build muscle goal

In order to help a group of people looking to achieve weight loss, and promote muscle tone I developed a template to follow that supports that bodies natural ability to achieve your ideal weight. It is important to consider all aspects of the this template in order to achieve the highest level of success, however you could spend time focusing on particular areas to take steps to achieving your goal.

This is not a get quick weight loss, or get quick muscle tone approach. Instead it looks at your body as a whole with connected systems that help each other keep balance in the body. 

1. Dietary

a. More Local/Organic Vegetables, EFA’s, protein, fiber, Complex Carbohydrates,


2. Exercise

a. Weight Lifting- Muscle Tone and Fat Burning

b. Cardiovascular (Cardio)- Endurance, Energy, Stamina, Heart Health

c. Stimulates Lymphatic System

i. No pump, requires movement!

3. Detoxification (Hidden cause to obesity)

a. Environmental contamination, chemicals and exposure

i. Affecting hormonal systems (T3 Reduction, lower RMR)

ii. Body store excess in fatty tissue

b. Digestive System Health

i. Gut Flora

ii. Candida, Parasites

-Cravings for sugar/carbs, Loss of Energy, brain fog

iii. Hydrochloric acid production

iv. Enzymes and Bile Production

v. Bowel movements- Well formed

vi. Fiber

-Helps controls blood sugar

-Keeps us feeling full

-8 calories lost out of diet per gram

*Only in the presence of fiber can bile be excreted

***Upto 98% of toxin filled bile reabsorbed!

c. Liver Health

i. Almost everything processed through including

-Toxic compounds, all nutrients

ii. Carbohydrate Metabolism

iii. Hormone Degradation

-Thyroid Conversion T4 to T3

iv. Blood Filter

v. Detox Pathways

-Phase 1

a. B Vits, folate, Antioxidants, Vit C, Vit E, Zinc, Copper, Glutathione

-Phase 2

a. Amino Acids, Sulfurated Phytochemicals, Selenium, Magnesium, B12, Molybdenum

vi. Bile

-Required for

a. Toxic waste, by products excretion

b. Fat Digestion

c. Fat soluble vitamin absorption


a. Taurine, Glycine, Vit C, B3, Bioflavonoids


a. Choline, Methionine, B6, B12, Folate

d. Kidneys

i. Filters blood

ii. Urine excretion

e. Skin

i. Sweat- Sodium and Potassium loss

ii. Absorption (Don’t forget this!)

iii. Heavy Metal elimination

4. Adrenals and Thyroid

a. Stress management

i. Fight or Flight

b. Hormonal production

i. Sex Hormones

-Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone

5. Supportive Supplements for Weight Loss

a. Multi, B complex, Vit c, Coq10, Green Tea, Carnitine, Chromium, Greens, Fiber, EFA’s, Apple Cider Vinegar

6. Lifestyle

a. Stress Reduction

i. Yogo, Meditation

ii. Sleeping Habits

-Up early, bed reasonable time

b. Mental State

i. Counciling

ii. Relationships

-Support each other, positive example

iii. Support groups

iv. You time

v. Find things you have fun doing!

-Ex: Karaoke, dance, hiking

c. Time Management

i. Lists

-Celebrate Wins

ii. Productivity

-Setting goals

a. Short steps (process goals)

b. Long term goals

d. Hobbies

i. Active hobbies


a. Mountain Biking, Hiking, paddling, skiing, Climbing

-Rec Sports

a. Hockey, Baseball, Curling, Volleyball, Skating


a. Dancing, Recreation Guide

e. Hyperthermic Conditioning (Heat Stress)

i. Sauna - Traditional, and Infrared

-Heat Shock Proteins

a. Protect/Repair protein structure and function

-Increased Endurance and Cardiovascular

a. Increased heart rate (Exercise like- 150bpm)

-Prevent Muscle Atrophy + Support Regrowth

-Insulin Sensitivity by increasing receptors on cells

-Increase Growth of new brain cells

a. Focus/Attention

-Increase Longevity

a. Studies show lower mortality 20-50%

What did that all just mean?

**Eat clean healthy food, exercise regularly, limit toxic exposure, lower your stress, add

supportive supplements, make good lifestyle choices, find active hobbies, use a sauna. LOL

Aug 26, 2023 Team

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